Care and maintenance of hazelnut pests

Hazelnut tree
Pruning hazelnut branches:
In fruiting trees, the lateral branches located on the main branches are pruned every year and the weak branches are removed. If root pruning is done during planting, pruning will be less in the later stages, but when the hazelnut trees are 12 to 15 years old, it is better to prune a large number of lateral branches to stimulate the growth of strong branches. In this case, 8 to 10 branches are left in each tree to better fill the fruit and increase the yield. It is recommended to add 30 tons of manure in autumn with 600 kg per hectare of superphosphate and in spring with 400 to 500 kg of ammonium sulfate or 300 to 400 kg of calcium cyanide or 150 to 300 kg / ha of ammonium nitrate.
Pruning is usually done during the dormancy of the tree, ie from December to March. After planting rooted seedlings in the main land, the first pruning is done as follows:
- Sapling of seedlings from a height of 80-60 cm above the ground
- Remove all trunk branches below 40 cm from the soil floor
Wrapping (dressing) cut branches with garden glue
- Removal of leaves that grow during the next growing season (from 40 cm down)
Remove debris:
It is necessary to remove the pimples around the hazelnut trunk. In order to effectively remove the pimples on the feet, it is necessary to remove the pimples 3 to 4 times a year and up to several years after planting. Weed control by chemical herbicides.
Important pests and diseases of hazelnut (hazelnut superficial whitefly):
It is seen as almost spherical spots of yellow and white color, in the center of each of the spots, the fungal spores turn into black dots at the end of the season. These diseases do not cause much damage and only cause a slight leaf fall. To combat this disease, if you see symptoms of this fungus on the leaves, taking into account the air temperature, you can use the appropriate pesticides.
Important pests and diseases of hazelnuts (mollusks):
This insect weakens the tree by sucking the sap of the plant and also by the secretion of honey causes the accumulation of dust on the surface of leaves, trunks and branches of trees and disrupts the physiological activities of trees, especially photosynthesis. To combat these pests, suitable pesticides can be used in the form of winter spraying before the inoculation stage of trees.
Important pests and diseases of hazelnut (hazelnut aphid):
It is very similar to peach aphids and the most important sign of its recognition is their collective activity around the main leaves. The damage of this pest is accompanied by severe secretion of honey, which in turn attracts ants, bees and various flies and the accumulation of dust. These insects can also transmit viral diseases. Appropriate pesticides can be used to combat this pest.
Important pests and diseases of hazelnut (hazelnut germ-eating mite):
It is one of the most important pests of hazelnut. This pest, while settling on fresh buds, swells and deforms the buds when they open, by swallowing its sting, and also causes rot and drying of flower buds. To combat this pest, suitable pesticides can be used when the plant wakes up or when the branches are 2 to 3 leaves.
Hazelnut fruit
Wrinkles or prematurity:
It is a condition that due to improper growing conditions and lack of proper nutrition of the plant in times of drought or abundance of the crop, more than 50% of the surface of the hazelnut kernel is not wrinkled or has not grown enough.
Jaundice: It is a yellow color that occurs in the cut part of the hazelnut kernel and in some cases it is accompanied by softening and also a slight change in its smell or taste.
Live pest: is the presence of any living organism, such as insects and mites in any of the growth stages, including eggs, larvae, pupae, adult insects and fungi, which by feeding or multiplying on the hazelnut kernel causes infection or reduces the quantity and quality. It becomes.
Pest: It is an infection or damage caused by any pest activity in the form of cavities in the feeding area of the six ends and mites, the presence of strains and eggshells, larvae and pupae and the like on the hazelnut kernel or inside it with the eyes. Unarmed can be seen.
Mold: Threads of mold that can be seen inside or outside the hazelnut kernel with the naked eye.